Beramilano 1930 - il grande dolce delle feste di natale (L'Ofelia)

Beramilano 1930 - il grande dolce delle feste di natale (L'Ofelia)

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The history of “BreraMilano 1930 ®” actually dates back to a more distant past. Angelo Grioni had first set up in business as a confectioner in Via Amerigo Vespucci, at Porta Nuova, near the old premises of “Gazzetta dello Sport”. His was a happy marriage, and five children were born. Antonio, the only son, carried on his father’s business, which he moved to Via Francesco Hayez 8, but it was thanks to Rosa and her husband Agostino Panigada that the successful merger with Giovanni Cova, a confectioner and their brother-in-law, took place. The three of them, real master confectioners, by a stroke of genius, decided to home-make the “Panettone” cake following the old Milan recipe, according to the deep-rooted Milan tradition .
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